New era brands need
a purposeful plan.

New era brands require a driving motivation that is not just functional,
but one that has a sense of purpose which feeds into where we are headed collectively as a society.
I specialise in creative strategy and creativity that unlocks this brand purpose,
that drives vision, direction and meaning for the new era marketing experience economy.
The universal idea:
At the point between culture and data is creative evolution
or the universal idea.
Universal ideas produce universal change thinking, which is a framework for new era purposeful creative brand building.
PLAN: STAGE 1 - defining the higher purpose of the brands objectives.
CREATE: STAGE 2,3,4,5 - unlocking universal idea, user experience, integration thinking, and phased brand building approach.
PRODUCE: STAGE 6 - production of creative assets to communicate the brand’s purpose through the universal idea.
MEASURE: STAGE 7 - measure outcomes. Soft measurement - brand recall, salience and engagement. Hard measurement - impressions, conversion, sales.
Universal idea end to end strategic planning tool:

Universal brand building ideas have a process of engagement which is an end to end model. A spark into the big idea, a middle point of engagement and an end conversion.The below model demonstrates how universal ideas lead the engaged audience through a brand narrative journey to conversion.
Universal ideas are non traditional and media channel neutral
Like all big ideas the impact of it and story telling are key. But above the line thinking has changed in recent years and the importance of ideas that spread are now vital. Big universal thinking does this through a platform that produces the top level of above the line impact, right through to tactical PR. The universal idea can live and breath through all touch points because of its broad level understanding.
Universal ideas are a longer term framework for creative brand building.
They are the basis of human centric stories that continue over extended periods to captivate the audience into the bigger concept. This is a phased approach to change and deeper engagement through narrative story telling and future focused thinking leading to longer term outcomes and extended investment into the platform.
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